Zebet, Spreading Corruption

Zebet, Spreading Corruption

Very flexible card that can bring you back from otherwise completely unwinnable game states.

Gilgamesh, Demi-God

Gilgamesh, Demi-God

Extremely powerful. One of the strongest cards in the format.

Flame and Glass, United

Flame and Glass, United

Extremely powerful when played on Turn 6 and is extremely difficult for the opponent to answer cleanly. Can win the game by itself.



7 unavoidable damage. Can also manually evolve the card if needed.

Lute, Vengeful Necromancer

Lute, Vengeful Necromancer

Excessively powerful card that controls the board and does 6 damage to enemy leader.

Lubelle, Necroshepherd

Lubelle, Necroshepherd

Very powerful tempo card with strong last words synergies and possible finisher opportunities.

Ghoul Wielder

Ghoul Wielder

Very strong effect at all points in the game and can synergise with other ghost cards for lethal possibilities

Odile, Ebony Dancer

Odile, Ebony Dancer

In some situations, extremely strong but sometimes doesn't really do that much. Will usually need an evolve point to be effective.

Elena, Defier of Destiny

Elena, Defier of Destiny

All of the cards you can get with this card's effect are quite strong. In addition, the evolve effect can be useful at every stage of the game.

Goblin Reaper

Goblin Reaper

Gives a huge amount of tempo on both effects, fits into a large number of strategies

Oceanus, Shifting Radiance

Oceanus, Shifting Radiance

This card singlehandedly secures you the early game, while being playable at all points of the game.

Odin, Advent of Ragnarok

Odin, Advent of Ragnarok

Very strong accelerate effect that later transitions to a discounted and very powerful tempo follower.

Underworld Captain

Underworld Captain

Can strongly impact the board from the moment it's played and deal a lot of damage to the enemy leader. Although its last words effect can make it invincible to an extent, it's also just a 2/4 follower.

Asuka & Shiori, Twins

Asuka & Shiori, Twins

Very powerful resource card that is significantly stronger when you have more evolve points than the opponent

Shared Goal

Shared Goal

One of the key components of any machina draft, as it enables combo plays and draws you cards.

Chronos, Time Tuner

Chronos, Time Tuner

One of the most powerful cards after Turn 10, but many games don't go that long, and even if they do, there's no guarantee you will draw this card at the same time. The evolve effect can be strong against certain classes, especially Portal, which relies on high-cost cards to swing the game.

Ruler of the Necropolis

Ruler of the Necropolis

Very strong resource card that works well with Last Words strategies

Mechasaw Soulshredder

Mechasaw Soulshredder

One of the best payoffs for drafting Machina cards. Simple to use as well.

Twofold Grace

Twofold Grace

One of the best 2-cost followers you can play early game. It's also especially good with shadow cards

Benevolent Mother

Benevolent Mother

Great card for Natura decks. It can answer many boards while developing your win condition. The evolve effect when achieved is also fairly strong for only 4pp.

Punisher of the Undead

Punisher of the Undead

Can be considered as removal in the early and mid game, but becomes a 9 damage storm on turn 7 onwards.

Anarchy Lizard

Anarchy Lizard

Good stats with Ward effect. The last words allows your followers to clear enemy followers without evolve points. Its evolve effect is also exceptional, giving 12/8 in stats.

Desert Wanderer

Desert Wanderer

Good stats for a 2-cost follower. One of the best cards to enable Natura Synergies, since it gives you trees without needing to give up tempo.

Phantom of the Strings

Phantom of the Strings

Very potent effect especially at turn 5 and 6 but gets worse over the course of the game. Also, it can be difficult to play against the mirror match.

Kyrie, Fragment of Hope

Kyrie, Fragment of Hope

Good at all stages of the game and particularly powerful with evolve point due to the play point recovery effect.

Poisoned Apple of Revival

Poisoned Apple of Revival

Extremely efficient spell that will usually find good value during the game

Nicola, Unauthorized Hope

Nicola, Unauthorized Hope

One of your main payoffs for drafting machina cards.

Gold Rush Necromancer

Gold Rush Necromancer

Basically does everything you could possibly want from a card.

Cerberus, Howl of Hades

Cerberus, Howl of Hades

Depends heavily on the draft and what type of 5-cost followers you have drafted, but generally a good card.

Grimnir, Divine Stormspear

Grimnir, Divine Stormspear

Played early game with evolve point to reset the board and deal damage to enemy leader. Pretty difficult to get full value from this card in most drafts

Goddess of Compassion

Goddess of Compassion

All of this card's effects are possible. However, you should take care when fusing 3 cards as this will be a significant investment of resources.

Feena, Victorious and Just

Feena, Victorious and Just

Good resource card which ensures your early game curve.

Aenea, Amethyst Creator

Aenea, Amethyst Creator

IF you drafted enough machina cards, this card can be extremely good.

Cursed King

Cursed King

Very strong card that doesn't require an evolve point and is very difficult for the opponent to cleanly answer.

Vyscaria, Abyssal Avenger

Vyscaria, Abyssal Avenger

Can be manually evolved. Fairly strong card for only two play points

Fallen Angel's Blessing

Fallen Angel's Blessing

Both choices are fairly strong for their cost. Evolution point recovery or 4 healing are both very strong effects especially with their strong statline.

Corpse Crusher

Corpse Crusher

Necromancy cost is fairly expensive, but even without the 8 necromancy effect, is still a 9/9 in stats that does at least two damage to enemy leader.

Soul's Light

Soul's Light

Good cycle card that can answer the opponent's board at the same time

Tortured Soul

Tortured Soul

Strong removal option both with and without using evolve. It is also difficult for the opponent to answer by battle.

Skull Predator

Skull Predator

Very flexible resource card that can be manually evolved. The Enhance 6 effect is also very strong as it can context most boards while allowing you to heal and draw cards

Grave Voidknight

Grave Voidknight

A solid two-cost follower with interesting options depending on the situation. You will usually not use the 7-cost version of this follower.

Bone Marauder

Bone Marauder

Extremely good stats for its cost and it randomly has ward. Bone Blast for 1 mana is insane, as it allows you to build a board, clear the opponent's board and accumulate shadows.

Smiting Shower

Smiting Shower

Strong removal for its cost. Flexibility to do 5 damage to enemy leader is sometimes quite helpful

Gunnlod's Hide-and-Seek

Gunnlod's Hide-and-Seek

Very powerful stats for 5 mana but gets progressively worse as the game progresses. Good with Blood due to wrath compatibility.

Seraph of Sin

Seraph of Sin

Good stats with useful effect to search for powerful neutral spells drafted

Aldis, Stylish Saint

Aldis, Stylish Saint

Strong at contesting board states and can evolve to heal your leader for 4.

Steppe Soldier

Steppe Soldier

Is strongest in the early game where the +1/1 buffs are more impactful. However, is good at most points of the game.

Soul Extraction

Soul Extraction

Can be used as a good reset tool and sometimes for lethal damage.

Blau, the Valkyrie

Blau, the Valkyrie

Very strong and reliable removal in the midgame while leaving a follower that the opponent has to destroy later.

Evil Exhumer

Evil Exhumer

Reduces your deck size while building a strong early board. Gets progressively worse later in the game. Works well with Last Words synergies

Lovelorn Necromancer

Lovelorn Necromancer

Is rather expensive to use and can be easily answered in many circumstnaces by the opponent

Slayer of the Dead

Slayer of the Dead

Requires you to have a follower in play to make use of its effect, but is a fairly strong resource option.

Minthe, Steward of Souls

Minthe, Steward of Souls

You can draft your deck around this card so that you can search specific followers. In addition, the evolve effect is very strong in this game mode and will nullify the cost requirement for many powerful cards.

Marian, Noble Mummy

Marian, Noble Mummy

Pretty good when played in both the early game and mid game due to high stats and ability to clear enemy followers.

Resurrected Malice

Resurrected Malice

The delayed nature of the card makes it a little awkward to use, but a 3-mana 4/5 ward is usually not bad.

Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter

Good resource card with flexible usage patterns

Succession of Balance

Succession of Balance

Good removal card that sets up Machina comboes

Reviled Remnant

Reviled Remnant

A two-cost follower with decent upside (ward and free ghost)

Angel of Darkness

Angel of Darkness

A 2/2 follower with Rush. The evolve effect is a bonus, usually good vs Dragon

Ruins of Aiolon

Ruins of Aiolon

Strong synergy card. Doesn't do anything by itself but can enhance a machina draft significantly

Order Eternal

Order Eternal

A strong reset option but still gives the opponent priority to set up their board again.

Snow, Pureheart Sage

Snow, Pureheart Sage

1 health can make this card a little weak to certain cards, but considering it draws you a card and has a strong evolve effect, it's situationally very strong

Friends Anywhere

Friends Anywhere

Draft this for machina synergies.

Angel of War

Angel of War

While a good card on paper, it can sometimes clog your hand with amulets.

Blossom Beauty

Blossom Beauty

Drawing a card is never bad, but the statline is somewhat vulnerable. The Necromancy effect can be situationally great, but can compete with other cards that need Necromancy.

Meddling Angel

Meddling Angel

Depends on the class you are drafting. Oftentimes just a 3-cost with a 3/3 statline.



Decent aggressive card with some machina synergies

Naterran Peace

Naterran Peace

Strong to enable Natura Synergies and can draw you a card by itself. In a synergistic draft, healing 2 is also quite strong.

Let's Feast, in Style!

Let's Feast, in Style!

Can snowball in the early game while being cheap cycle in the later stages.

Valkyria Lance

Valkyria Lance

Usually an easy to use card that can make your neutral followers more useful and thin your deck. Better with Shadow cards

Technolord: Origin

Technolord: Origin

Can be good with a Machina draft, but requires setup for the effect to damage enemy leader.

Hoverboard Speedster

Hoverboard Speedster

Susceptible statline due to only having 1 health. However, it draws a card and has a good evolve effect.

Entranced Skeleton

Entranced Skeleton

A strong aggressive 1pp follower.

Provisions Aplenty

Provisions Aplenty

It's a reasonably efficient cycle card, but is negative tempo to use. Often the target for Meddling Angel

Journey to the Past

Journey to the Past

Requires set-up to be effective, but with the right situation and draft can be very strong.

Dark Alice, Foul Fairytale

Dark Alice, Foul Fairytale

Can be hard to reach 10 last words consistently, but if your draft allows it, this card can be pretty strong.

Nemean Lion

Nemean Lion

Slightly below average stats but has the ability to attack the enemy leader.

Hellfire Strike

Hellfire Strike

Very easy to use card considering it only costs 1pp. The Necromancy (4) effect is extremely strong in the early game

Fangs in the Mirror

Fangs in the Mirror

Should be viewed as a card that should only be played for 5 enhance, have no followers on field, or manually evolved.



As long as you draft some machina cards, this card is ok

Isunia's Reconstruction

Isunia's Reconstruction

Very good when going second, but worse when going first. Healing 4 is very strong, and being able to replace cards in your hand is valuable.

Spartoi Sergeant

Spartoi Sergeant

Generically good 2-cost follower.

Misguided Maiden

Misguided Maiden

Has a bad statline but is a reasonable cycle card. The evolve effect is good but the problem is that 3/2 is quite weak.

Call of the Void

Call of the Void

Good removal card on paper when you get the 4/4 follower with it. Issues arise when multiple necromancy cards compete for your limited shadows.

Undying Resentment

Undying Resentment

Removal that scales into the mid/late game for minimal necromancy cost

Death's Door Opens

Death's Door Opens

Extremely inconsistent, but can sometimes give you good value.

Rivaylian Outlaw

Rivaylian Outlaw

Good for a 1-cost follower but needs synergies to be worth drafting

Haunted Mansion

Haunted Mansion

Can be okay with ghost synergies, otherwise pretty bad card.

Soultaker Scion

Soultaker Scion

Pretty bad as a follower in the early game. However, the 6 necromancy effect can be quite good depending on the draft.

Harbinger of the Night

Harbinger of the Night

Situational healing option

Case Cracked

Case Cracked

Unreliable card that is often minus tempo or unplayable.

Helio, Head Lich

Helio, Head Lich

Hard to guarantee that you will draw a fusion card at all.

Altaia, Angel of Judgment

Altaia, Angel of Judgment

Needs an evolve point to be good

Feel Their Fear

Feel Their Fear

Extremely inconsistent card. You have to have a 4-cost follower or it's incredibly inefficient to play. However, if recycling powerful cards like Bone Marauder, it's actually quite good.

Spectral Sorceress

Spectral Sorceress

Gives at least 2 Shadows but it's definitely a bad card.

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