Pick Order

*Note: Cards from the most recent card set are 1.5 times more likely to appear, and you are guaranteed at least 1 legendary card on your 1st, 8th, and 15th pick.
Cards Available
1st Pair

Class gold: 58.333%.

Class Legendary: 25%.

Neutral Legendary: 16.667%

2nd Pair
Class Bronzes.
3rd Pair
Class Silvers.
4th Pair
Class Bronzes.
5th Pair

Neutral bronze: 50%.

Neutral Silver: 33.333%.

Neutral Gold: 16.667%

6th Pair
Class Silvers.
7th Pair
Class Bronzes.
8th Pair

Class Gold: 63.636%.

Class Legendary: 36.364%

9th Pair
Class Bronzes.
10th Pair

Neutral bronze: 50%.

Neutral Silver: 33.333%.

Neutral Gold: 16.667%

11th Pair
Class Bronzes.
12th Pair
Class Silvers.
13th Pair
Class Bronzes.
14th Pair
Class Silvers.
15th Pair

Class Gold: 63.636%.

Class Legendary: 36.364%

What is Take Two?

Take Two is a draft format where you can pay for entry with either Rupies, Crystals or Challenge Tickets (given away for free by Cygames just by playing the game regularly).

Take Two

Once you enter, you will be asked to choose from three different classes. Feel free to pick whichever class you feel you will do the best on.

Once you have selected your leader, you will be taken into the drafting screen. Here you will be presented with a choice between two different pairs of cards. These cards will enter your deck. You repeat this process 15 times until you have a 30 card deck.

Once you have finished selecting your deck, you will be taken to the main lobby. Here you can play up to 5 matches, with increased rewards for each victory you are able to achieve. You can look at your deck on this screen at any time, as well as quit the run if you just aren’t feeling the deck you’ve drafted.

Take 2 is a fairly challenging game mode as it tests a number of different skills. Generally speaking, new players will struggle to achieve good results immediately, but like many things in life, practice makes perfect. Consider it an investment of your time and eventually you will see a return on your efforts.

That said, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the Rotation format first before jumping into Take Two. That way, you will have a much better feel of which cards are strong to draft and able to navigate complex game states more intuitively.

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Developed by Boron & Partnered with Team Sonar 5

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