Once again the Tactician's Cup is upon us. As one of the only game modes that provides upcoming card pack tickets, it's worthwhile to spend rupies on this game mode as long as you have time available.
This time, we've seen a general nerf to the power level of the format. What was previously overpowered with Imagination Realized Ramp and Skeleton Raider Evolve have been significantly weakened and are now the weakest classes.

Token is capable of defeating every class in the format and has a good matchup into other classes like Combo Natura.
I recommend focusing on Alwida and Zebet in particular, as the power level is extremely high and they can finish games by themselves. It is a fairly simple deck to draft, just make sure you have a balanced curve with card draw.
After drafting, just play aggressively.
As long as you draft a single copy of Ladica, the deck can easily OTK the opponent from as early as turn 6 or 7.
Always draft Ladica, followed by Norn and Ravening Corruption. None of the other cards matter.
This deck is weak to aggressive decks, but beats any slow deck and can easily OTK on turn 6 and 7.
An explosive mix between Last Words and Amulets. Has unstoppable OTK potential and anti-aggro tools depending on how you draft. Dark Alice and Sukuna are my priorities in the primary pool. A well-balanced deck.
Draft Gretina no matter what. It is difficult for the opponent to prevent you from invoking her from the deck, which will allow you to take control of the board in a single turn.
Overall a very consistent deck with a variety of different win conditions.
Burial Rite
This is a little weaker than Machina as it is less consistent and has weak early game.
The deck doesn't really do anything until Turn 6, where Myroel will ensure the game ends around turn 8. You will also want to draft Jeno and Lazuli, as these are some of your strong late game finishers.
As a result, this deck is not better than any of the decks above it in the tier list, but it is good enough to beat every deck below it.
Doesn't matter how you draft, it loses to every single deck in the format. No point writing about it, you will never draft this if you want to win.
The main way to win with this deck is with Chrono Witch and Kuon.
However, you can also win the game with Victorious Blader if the opponent cannot answer it. Overall, I think this class is too weak for the format.
* After considering feedback, I believe this deck has more potential than originally believed. I believe the draft can be rather inconsistent, but there are certain highroll scenarios that are excessively unfair (i.e burial rite storms -> chrono witch turn 5 OTK.). Nevertheless, the highest I would place this deck at current is 5th best, but your mileage may vary. Try it out for yourself.
Phoenix Roost
This deck is okay against aggressive decks as it has a lot of healing and board clear, but depends on drafting Drazael and safely dropping Phoenix Roost.
The main problem is that against some decks, you will automatically lose to an OTK if you halve the cost of your opponent's cards. Probably the 6th best deck in the format though.
*After additional consideration, it's the 7th best class in the format, as I have revised my opinion on Spellboost